Celtic Dulcimer

This instrument is something that I was inspired to do from the work of a few others. I may or may not ever make an instrument just like this one. I loved working with the woods because it yielded such a rich patina when finished.

The green carpet on my work bench made a nice contrast for this piece I thought.

The Padauk will age to a rich deep red color over time.

These soundholes where inspired by the work of Dwain Wilder of Bear Meadow Dulcimers. He is a very high quality maker.

This peghead was inspired by a little Gryphon statue that stands on a shelf above my workbench.

The Celtic Dulcimer was purchased by a man in New Mexico, here is what he had to say about it...

"Hi Jack.........I think you
did a fine job with it, and I really like it, so I'm not going to give it back
to you, and that's final!!! :)

My running partner showed up just after it arrived, and helped unpack it. He's
the director of the manufacturing technology center on campus here(New Mexico State University), and he liked the workmanship on it very much, too, as well as the fine selection and finishing
of woods. Thanks very much for the fine work, and I'm glad I was surfing around
on ebay awhile back.

Best regards,